Sunday, January 8, 2012

Breakfast at Hannah's

Tomorrow Hannah is moving to Wellington. We met a bit over a year and a half ago through Eamonn and because we had the exact same classes; Creative Writing, American Literature and some awful art history paper. It was not very long before we realised we had a mutual interest in second hand shopping, movies and literature. When we met I was still living in a flat which contained Keegan and a girl called Dale and one of the first times we hung out we played board games and Hannah slept over there (which showed some dedication since is was such a scungy flat). Since then we have had many adventures like going to Gisborne together after the February earthquake (I fondly remember staying at Siobhan and Alan's house and collecting blackberries to go with our pancake breakfast) and there have been many bike rides and pleasant meals and book swaps and coffees. I am going to miss you so much Hannah!

Last week we had breakfast together in her half dismantled room at the Log Cabin. I had walnut ginger honey and raspberries on toast and Hannah had porridge with the same toppings.

We went for a bike ride to uni so Hannah could return some books and met Simon for lunch at Welcome (possibly my new favorite restaurant).

All the best for you new adventures in Wellington and I hope to see you soon! xx

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